About Us

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Who We Are

We are volunteer members of a worldwide Catholic lay organization whose mission is to end poverty and to serve neighbors facing hardships regardless of their religious affiliation or background. We accept people for who they are, build personal relationships, and tailor our support to each person’s most pressing needs. We serve our clients with respect and without judgement.

Our food pantry is central to reaching our goal that nobody in our community should face hunger or food insecurity. We provide short-term financial emergency assistance to help clients back to self-sufficiency after a setback. We enable clients to make lasting changes by offering scholarships to adults for job training and career advancement. We provide information about other resources and connect our clients to local organizations that can offer further help.

The essential elements of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are spirituality, friendship, and service. We aspire to live the gospel message and to grow spiritually by serving Christ in our neighbors in need with love, respect, hope, and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.

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Our Mission

To provide food and financial emergency assistance to our neighbors facing hardship through person-to-person service as we put our faith into action.


Our Vision

We envision a community free of food insecurity and one in which neighbors facing financial hardship know that we will provide assistance to help them become financially stable while preserving their dignity.